Plenty Salt-M®
Plenty Salt-M®

Salinity Corrector

Formulations Available (w/w):

14%Calcium Oxide (CaO)

6% Polycarboxylic Acides

4%Maleic Acides

Enriched with Natural Phyto Acides

To give Calcium salts, maleic & polycarboxylic acides present in the own molecule as of the one that is mobilized of the reserve of the soil. This mobilization of the reserve)takes place not for the acid action of “NeuSalt-M®” but because the molecules of the product withdraw from the solution the ionized Calcium provoking the ionization of more Ca (balance or constant of solubility.

protein synthesis.Free of chlorides, sulfates and nitrogen in nitric or ammonium form.

Package:1-5-20 Lt.