Plenty Humate-98®
Plenty Humate-98®

 Potassium Humate

Formulations Available (w/w):

40%Organic Matter

70%Humic&Fulvic Acid

8%Soluble Potassium Oxide(K2O)

pH 8-10

Formation and development of an optimum and improved root system, capable of making use of the resources available in the soil (fertilisers, nutrients, water) It is a key element in the formation of the clay-humic compound of the soil, facilitating the improvement of soil structure and increasing cation exchange capacity. It optimises and increases the efficiency of different resources existing the crops (e.g. fertilisers, nutrients, water, etc.) increasing the bio-availability of phosphorous and various micronutrients by means of the formation of stable compounds.

Package:1-15-25 Kg.